British Theatre Guide *****

Tate and Olivier winner, director Guy Masterson, co-adapted Terry d’Afonso’s Picasso script into a solo show. Such a production restores one’s faith in theatre and I agree with the many comments I heard exiting the show: "marvellous, brilliant, enthralling".


Odd Man Out

by Peter Tate

Peter has performed his own one man show in 11 different countries including at the Actors Studio,in New York, the Edinburgh Festival,the Khan Theatre in Jerusalem and the Baltic House theatre in St Petersburg.He has won the top award at International festivals in Jerusalem, St Petersburg, Wroclaw and in Lithuania.


Lady Chatterleys Lover

Marshall Gould


Mellors self-conscious switches between Derby dialect and King's English seem utterly natural,as does the character's unlikely blend of tenderness and animal sensuality - The Independent 

Tate's gamekeeper is a surprisingly credible figure - The Times


American Justice (R.Vergette)

Senator Daniels

Arts Theare, West End, Dir:Lisa Forrell


Peter Tate lends Daniels exactly the mix of missionary fervour and private vanity that the text demands - the Guardian

Peter Tate captures the moral ambiguity of the Congressman, whose motives may not be quite what they seem - the Telegragh

Peter Tate intricately sheds the layers of the Congressman’s multidimensional character with impressive honesty - A younger Theatre


Short Eyes



Peter Tate provides a harrowing portrayal - What's On

A fine feeling performance - The Independent

Peter Tate delivers a beautifully modulated performance, full of inner tension that communicates itself to the audience - The Stage


The Mystery of Anna O

Jerome Coopersmith


Peter Tate is excellent as the troubled Dr Breuer and as his disciple playing both roles with on-target characterization - Back Stage


The Master and Margarita



The Master...the wonderful Peter Tate - Ms London

Peter Tate is very good giving quiet,shattered dignity to the writer broken in a mental home - The Times


Tabloid Caligula

Darren Murphy


Peter Tate plays out the role of the ageing London mobster Robert with great panache. He manages to invest an unlikely vulnerability - The Stage

As a portrait in self-delusion Tate gives just the right degree of bombastic self-righteousness - What's On

Peter Tate is excellent as Robert - Time Out

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